Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kevin Rudd to lose leadership

Kevin Rudd might be stumbling a little more than he expects at the polls, but it's not enough to get carried away with.

The $1.25 on he and Gillard again being a partnership at the next election are crazy ... this statement might well come back to bite me, but it's better than bank interest, as they say!


A day of poll-driven leadership speculation has caused seismic shifts in the Sportingbet Australia betting markets, where punters are getting behind a leadership combination of Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan at $4.50.

With the market only days old, the steady reversal in Kevin Rudd’s fortunes at the polls has spurred a show of confidence in Julia Gillard as a possible federal ALP leader and prime minister, at the next election.

While the Gillard/Swan leadership combination is the preferred second option, the combination of Gillard and high-powered finance minister Lindsay Tanner is also well in the market at $5.50 with Sportingbet Australia market.

Today’s betting has also raised the notion of a Gillard-less leadership team, perhaps following an unsuccessful challenge, with a Rudd/Swan team as an outside bet at $9.00.

Sportingbet Australia CEO Michael Sullivan said that punters seemed to be eyeing the polls very carefully and were dropping away from the Rudd/Gillard leadership team in their droves.

“Our markets seem to be showing that punters are expecting there to be blood spilled in the PM’s office some time before the next election,” said Mr Sullivan.

“With Gillard the clear front runner for next leader, all the action is around whether it will be before or after the next election and who will be deputy.”

“Swan is the obvious choice, but has not shone in the treasury job in the same way that Tanner has in finance.”

“I would have thought Tanner would be a highly unlikely choice given he comes from the same background as Gillard, a Melbourne left-winger, but punters have a good record in these markets.”

Sportingbet Australia Market
Rudd/Gillard $1.25
Gillard/Swan $4.50
Gillard/Tanner $5.50
Rudd/Swan $9.00
Any other $17.00

1 comment:

  1. You can put your money where your mouth is but my money's on a real man - Tony Abbott. Let's face it Kevin is a bit of a drip and was better in the shadow ministry, after all he's really only a shadow of the real McCoy. My betting tip is that the Swan/Gillard combo is dead in the water. Anyone can see that Swan is just feathering his own nest and Gillard doesn't amount to a hill of beans. But if you're talking the Julia Gillard/Leigh Sales combo - now there's some chilli con carne!
